
Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Best: John Cena Matches

So I made a list of John Cena's best matches that are essential to watch if you're a John Cena fan. These collection of matches comes from Dave Meltzer (his matches feature his ratings for matches rated 3 1/2+), and matches that I believe are good too (these matches will be included in honourable mentions). I have also added a link to each match as well. If this post gets picked up with responses I'll add links to promos for everyone. **Also, if you're into posts about Match lists and whatnot check out my other lists on this postthis post, and also this post. Lastly, I used Meltzlers ratings as a guide but make sure to make your own opinion (or rating in this case) about the matches. Just cause he gives something a 3, doesn't mean it it isn't a 5 to you!
  • Royal Rumble 2008 Ending - 4 ¼* - Following the Rumble last year, it starts the opposite way with Taker and Shawn entering numbers #1 and #2 – giving fans absolutely what we wanted. The match has plenty of good stars in it and its really fun to watch – it seems like this Rumble is the first one in a while really capitalises on the ‘Surprise Entrants’, Foley gets his moment, but I personally enjoy Jimmy Snuka and Roddy Piper entering after each other and the whole Rumble stopping so these two can battle it out for the first time in 20+ years. Another thing this Rumble capitalises on is surprise returns, this is still my favourite return/surprise in a Rumble (besides AJ) and that’s John Cena returning from injury as number 30. People complain that Cena was never over, but without a doubt when his music hits the crowd absolutely pops crazy for him.
  • John Cena Vs Batista (Summerslam 2008) - 3 ¾* - The two ‘made men’ of WWE in 2005, were finally going to square off in a WWE ring against each other one on one. This is a hard-hitting match and just goes to show the great chemistry these two had against each other. Also call me a sucker for Face Vs Face matches, this was such a big time feel match for the Raw brand that it made the Raw World Heavyweight Championship play second fiddle to it. This match is fairly under looked and quite underrated when people bring up the careers of these two men.
  • The Rock Vs John Cena (Wrestlemania 28) – 3 ¾* - This match was built up for more than a year and it was set in stone one year in advance. It was billed as ‘Once in a Lifetime’. It main-evented a stacked card which also featured Jericho/Punk for the WWE Championship and also Triple H/Undertaker End of an Era Hell in a Cell match, and still did decent. The match was really fun, and it was good to see Cena play the ‘heel’ role during this match for the crowd. People seem to negative about this match, and I really don’t know why – it was good to have the Rock back, Cena was coming into his prime and was proving he could work a decent match with anyone. It did great business, making it the biggest Wrestlemania PPV buy rate to date I believe, if this is wrong comment on this.
  • Brock Lesnar Vs John Cena - Extreme Rules Match (Extreme Rules)– 4 ½* - Brock Lesnars first back match in 8 years, it’s bloody and absolutely brutal. Plenty of people complain about the ending being another ‘LOLCENAWINS’ but in terms of reasoning for why they did it I completely understand it. Plus Lesnar would get redemption just two years later.
  • CM Punk Vs John Cena (Raw 1000) - The main event of Raw 1000; also Punk turns heel again. Fun match, but think overall the ending sours a lot of peoples opinion on the match.
  • CM Punk Vs John Cena (Night of Champions) – 4 ¼* - Probably their best match with each other following their match at Money in the Bank 2011, lots of people expected Cena to win this match or Punk to cheat to win this match; however strangely this match ends in a draw between both competitors.
  • Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins Vs John Cena & Ryback & Sheamus (Elimination Chamber) – 3 ¾* - With Cena winning the Royal Rumble that year officials behind the scenes at WWE wanted Cena to win this match leading into his rematch with The Rock. Ambrose, Rollins, and Reigns went to Vince's office and refused to lose to Cena and really showed guts that day and really showed that were not to be messed with.
  • John Cena Vs CM Punk (Raw 25/02/13) – 4 ½* - In one of the best Raw matches of all time these two show why they should have been the main event of Wrestlemania 29.
  • John Cena Vs The Rock (Wrestlemania 29) – 3 ½* - So yeah, the match that was billed as ‘Once in a Lifetime’ was going to happen again in the main-event back to back Mania’s. Plenty of people shit on this match, me included honestly – I generally don’t like this match, I feel as if they could’ve done more maybe they could’ve gone with the triple threat match with Punk included or maybe they could’ve even had Rock face someone else (maybe Ryback who could’ve used the rub to become WWE Champion because he was over with the crowd), and yeah I know Ryback wasn’t the best wrestler but it could’ve pushed him as a top-star which WWE could’ve used at the time. Hell if they wanted to they could've possibly gone a Rock/HHH or Rock/Brock route.
  • Daniel Bryan Vs John Cena (Summerslam) – 4 ½* - John Cena chose Daniel Bryan to be his big Summerslam opponent, and it really started off the big Rise of Daniel Bryan, the ovation when he was chose is fantastic. This may be one of John Cena’s best matches of all time, as well as Daniel Bryan. They work so perfectly with each other and even bring up a call back to their match back 10 years ago in velocity. This match is one of the best Summerslam main events of all time, and honestly really deserved this rating. The lead to the match was perfect with Bryan calling Cena a parody of wrestling, saying he was ‘more style then substance’ – both men equally backed up their claims and statements with each other. An additional part of this story would be when Stephanie McMahon and Vince McMahon would return and say that Bryan needed a more corporate look, but not before Triple H would make a surprise return and say that he would call the match right down the middle and declared himself the referee for the match. Whilst he called it down the middle allowing Bryan to cleanly defeat John Cena to become WWE Champion, when the match finished Triple H would turn on Bryan by pedigreeing him and letting Randy Orton cash in on him. This would set up for Bryan becoming the most over wrestler in WWE in the coming months with a Bryan Vs. Authority storyline.
  • AJ Styles Vs John Cena (Money in the Bank) – 4 ¼* - 15 Years in the making. The Face of TNA and the independents vs The Face of WWE. Worth the watch, a great prelude to critically acclaimed Summerslam match.
  • John Cena Vs AJ Styles - Summerslam 2016 - 4 1/2* - For many people this was their best WWE match for 2016 – and rightfully so. These two blew the roof off the Barclays Centre, and put on the match of the night. They exceeded the expectations of their previous match at Money in the Bank a few months prior, and to keep with John Cena tradition he would take a clean loss on arguably the second biggest show of the year.
  • John Cena Vs Dean Ambrose – Smackdown 20/09/2016 - To have a match with Cena in 2016 was quite rare, what else is quite rare is to have a clean win over Cena – which now Ambrose has. This would be the first time Cena lost clean on Smackdown in over 10 years.
  • John Cena Vs AJ Styles Vs Dean Ambrose - WWE No Mercy 2016 - 3 ¾* - This match is fairly recent but it definitely deserves to be on the list, one of the best Triple Threat matches in WWE history. Each man was able to get all their stuff in and they stole the show – and it helped with the new-era/anything can happen feel as it was the Main Event however it was the first match on the card. This is one of those matches I would disagree with Dave’s rating, I definitely see this match as a 4 - 4 ¼* calibre match.*

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